Book Club

Revolutions Always Start With Conversations

"Forward momentum and hope is what engenders luck - Big Little Farm."

When we read books of the thinkers and researchers we get to take a snippet of their research and musings and bring that into our worldview.

Books have always been a place to discover new worlds and new humans who create them, these books are based on data, research and listening to people that have walked a path different to us.   This is how we as adults can relearn the art of divergent thinking, a skill we need to ensure the new economy leaves no one behind.  #bettertogether

You can buy the books and read them on your own, but if you are in Cairns and wish to join our book club please click the Join Us button and subscribe to be invited to our monthly meet ups.   This filters out the tyre kickers from the change makers.

Literacy For Life Foundation - Will Be in Our Micro factories.  Because books change lives.  Everyone needs to find their favourite author because there are some fabulous minds on this planet.  I got you low social battery humans. xx

altMBA For The Planet

These are the books that changed our lives that the new economy Leadership should have.  Circular Specialists are people&planet first at their core.  Designing regenerative systems and leadership, data driven, historical books that can create a movement that will make us better for the planet. 

Restoring Community.  The true enemy of Capitalism. 🐻

Sacred Nature - Restoring Our Ancient Bond With The Natural World.

Karen Armstrong has studied many eastern and western religions and this is a testimonial of the book and the impact it can have on how we deal with climate change. 

'Sacred Nature abounds in interesting facts about Asian religions, and how-to advice on calming the world's frenzy and hearing the 'still small voice' of the inner life.

The book is a spiritual time capsule of the post-Christian soul in crisis, a lamentation in the key of Greta Thurnberg, with undertones of Carl Jung'.  The Wall Street Journal

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Regenerative Leadership.

Regenerative Leadership draws inspiration from pioneering thinking within biomimicry, circular economy, adult developmental psychology, anthropology, biophilia, sociology, complexity theory and next-stage leadership development.

It connects the dots between these fields through a powerful framework that enables leadership to become regenerative: in harmony with life, building thriving, prosperous organisations amid transformational times. 

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Utopia For Realists - Data In A Human Way

Reveals that the minimum wage has been proven to work not only 5 times but across different centuries and decades.

Means tested and usually around $6k per family reducing young mothers and giving families more breathing room to make clearer decisions because their basic needs are being met comfortably.


Also why the A in STEAM is really important not only for changing the minds of many but for really good storytelling.  Long song lines does for our First Nations people.  


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A Beautiful Constraint - It's A Brilliant Business Strategy

Where the art of small groups who have a mission to work together to make change happen in business or in community.

Amazon grew by making sure their teams we're no bigger than can be fed with 2 pizzas.   It is the roadmap for when life gives you lemons.

The roadmap to decentralised systems and dispersion into community.  Divergent thinking with unique actors in each group of 4.   All of the makings of really great team work.

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The Circular Economy - A User's Guide Walter R. Stahel

The grandfather of Circular Industrial Economy and part of the guidebook on how we not only came up with the Microfactory as a solution to developing our regional and remote areas.  But how Polymer to Monomer is key to making plastics easier to recycle infinitely without the need for new plastics = no more fossil fuels.   We have 400 years of plastics in circulation on planet earth at the moment, the concepts in this book will provide a great guide to reduce and redesign, when we reduce we save money, when we redesign we take out the weaponised incompetence of the Linear Economy. 

It was never for the many, the circular economy is.

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Non Violent Communication - Empathetic Listening

The workshops for NVC are regularly in Cairns.  Having attended one in April 2024 and seeing how it impacted our CEO's communication style to not only do active listening but observation.  The tools in this book are a great way to ask the hard questions in the worst situations and ensure everyone not only feels heard but safe.

This is a must book if you want to master the art of empathetic business relationships and healing.  Cause tipping points are hectic especially with historic and current genocides to 💚😞

Also #climateanxiety cause the next decade is going to be hectic for the kids and adults.  We need this skill in bucketloads.  I'm sorry.  We're late. Repair is part of our future and now.

Journalling methods included.  Recognising what's going on for you and how is that affecting your lens in your response; triggered, frustrated, just a wobble.  It's really frigging cool actually.   

 Ecosia it.  Find TikToks on it.  Actually it's a badass technique get on it.

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The Road Less Stupid - Keith Cunningham

This guy is Anthony Robbins business coach and after doing a 4 day workshop in Austin Texas with Keith, with only 100 business people in the room, these are no longer being offered.  The book is as close as you are going to get and it's still mind blowing.

He taught our CEO how to run simultaneous projects while putting in A players and using data to ensure that you can leave them to their own while making sure your team gets support when they need some extra shoulders.

If you want to learn how to think through your projects, this book is it.  Listening and quiet time and making time to think is key to going fast with less mistakes.

Ladies, he has a Texan accent, he makes you feel calm when you are way outside your comfort zone.  Which I have decided to build a house out here.  [Irene]. The reason women don't rule the world, is because we don't dream big enough.  GenZ do, they just need a roadmap.

One of my favourite Indigenous words, AU, Dadirri -
Ecosia it.
Google and Amazon are running the first Ai Genocide atm
.  If you aren't seeing that, do some research. Google Protests is the search term, add year, always.

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SandTalk - Tyson Yunkaporta

How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World.

This book goes well with Sacred Nature.  We all need to listen to country and practice the word Dadirri, where we actively listen to the person in front of us and never see that we are ever any more important than a rock. 

If we fall for self importance we should be a rock because we are not adding value to our communities.  Also the fact that indigenous Art and Songlines have been able to transfer knowledge from generation to generation for over 80k years.  It is their north star and brings healing and structure to their culture and personally we'd like to find out if it can help us too. This will be an exciting book in book club.

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Doughnut Economics - Kate Raworth

If you haven't met Irene yet, this is where economics is explained beyond actual accounting.  Kate Raworth is a Circular Economy Specialist.

It's measuring systems and identifying the weaponised incompetence within the Linear Economy due to poor contracts with Fossil Fuel companies with loop holes in policies where the environment and the love economy is not factored into the GDP. 

Yes housework has always been free = which is fine if you are a trad wife or have an online hustle but it's a value that hasn't been factored in and that means we will never reach equality while it is unmeasured. 

Intergenerational homes or family off grid communities would mean more equality in the home, as it used to be. 

Points; no one should have over $4million in worth, no more tax havens -
Link To All Tax Havens.  We are putting our projects in our DEAL profile on her site.
Getting into the Doughnut would mean no one is left behind.  Amsterdam and Victoria are using Kate's framework to rebuild their economy to be regenerative.  This is a key roadmap.

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The Checklist Manifesto - How To Get Things Done Well.

Seriously I am not going to lie, ER and Grey's Anatomy. 
Anyways being inside a surgeous mind as he figures out how to save lives has to be the most exciting book I have read and it was done in about 1.5 days I think.

So. Many. Good. Examples.

Increasing success rates in regional and out of a book education surgeries  by doing one thing before incision.  Simple ways to pass on years of wisdoms.

Checklists - it's how we get a lot of people to do the same thing so we get clean data and then it makes it really easy to identify patterns and tweaks.  So good.  Complicated stuff, is just simple steps repeated.  Cha cha.  Just some checklists for surgeons have hours of steps.   

Humanitarian Aid responses will need this, how we grow out impact will need this.   And feedback loops which we have designed into everything.

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Citizen Memberships

Our Monthly BookClub will be held at our CEO's house with a Zoom version for those out of town.

To ensure privacy and the right people come this information is revealed only to our citizen members for those in town.

It will be 45mins of discussions on books, working on some non-alcoholic sponsorship.  Saw this as a TikTok, so discuss key books insights, read & hang with girl dinner type snacks - guys totally welcome, do this version of book club - discuss a problem to solve and ideas for it. Discuss for 30mins before we wind up.

This may run longer than that but it's about discussing challenges, ideas for solutions and sharing wins.


Women's - Global - Innovation Issues/Musings

Books based on data or heavy research.  On other issues.

Did you know that women were not allowed pockets up to the Industrial Age because it was seen as a way for them move things disceetly and then when they were allowed pockets, they had to be external.

France is the first country in the world to write abortion - women's health rights - into the constitution - in 2024.

SDG10 - reduced inequalities and SDG5 - elevate women.

How the pocket watch opened the world up for exploration - Captain Cook... British Empire.

How women have not been factored into design for the past...

Invisible Women - Caroline Criado Perez

There is this hack with reading a book so you retain 40% more of the information and that is listening to it while reading it.

This is one of the few books that I have bought both Hard Copy and Audible versions of. 

I haven't listened to it yet but when men start recommending it to other men to read, that's when you know this is one of those history changing books.

This is a conversation that will influence the GenZs to right the wrongs with our help of course.

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Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging

OK this will make you feel sane.

What we have been told about menopause, seriously the Western and Eastern medicine - unless specialised by a female one, doesn't get it right.

Peri-menopause is like puberty for women.  The power of hormones, you are literally being reshaped by the volume of hormones running through your body.  Femme21 and Green Juices ladies, detox your liver that is the organ that is working the most.  Some women skip it but most have different grades.

It's about designing the vision for the second half of your life and letting go of things that no longer serve you and go all out because this is where regret is left behind.  Brilliant book for 40-55 year olds.  younger read Period Queen

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Longitude - How The Pocket Watch Created The British Empire

This is where innovation has an impact.  It took the english 200 years to figure out what First Nation islander communities have known all their lives.  How to navigate the seas safely.

The longitude Act book is a must.

Showing how by being able to tell the time at sea allow Captain Cook to discover the Pacific and expand the British Empire.

We have a moral duty to make sure the innovations, liek Apple and Microsofts new Siri and ChatGTP combination that Apple is advising to buy new computers when Siri and ChatGTP is a software not a hardware update.

This is a design obsolescence to drive sales of new Apple Computers, that will impact people in the Congo where Apple gets their cobalt mined.  Their lack of e-waste innovation in their Mother Nature Ad in 2024 is a sign they are not leading innovation to reduce forced slavery mining #sdg2 and instead they are pushing hard into #sdg10. 

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